Annual Gala Sponsorships
Through Ebony’s Eyes is supported through the generous contributions made through sponsorships, donations and event ticket sales.
Three levels of sponsorship are available (Platinum, Gold, and Silver) for both individuals and organizations who are committed to the work of the foundation.
Donations can be made through membership or direct contributions.
Event ticket sales are advertised at the time of the event.
Additional fund-raising efforts include page ads on the Gala Souvenir booklets, logo displays at the Silent Auction table, and more.
Through Ebony’s Eyes is a 501C3 and all donations are tax deductible!
Gala Souvenir Book Ads
Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Business Card
All Ads must be submitted in a JPEG format. Please email ads here.
Additional fees will be added for assistance in creating Ads!
Silent Auction Items
Items, of $50.00 value, or more, can be donated for Silent Auction. Donors will receive:
• Logo display on auction table
• Printed program mentions in Gala Souvenir Booklet
• Business card ad in Gala Souvenir Booklet

Platinum Sponsorship Level
Table of 10
Full Page Advertisement in Gala Souvenir Booklet
Logo on Electronic Flyer Advertisement
Logo on Photo Backdrop
Media Publicity: your sponsorship mentioned in electronic, social media sites, radio, and TV advertising
Podium Mention: your sponsorship announced during the event
Printed Program Mention: your sponsorship printed on event program materials.
Gold Sponsorship Level
Table of 10
Half Page Advertisement in Gala Souvenir Booklet
Logo on Electronic Flyer Advertisement
Logo on Photo Backdrop
Media Publicity: your sponsorship mentioned in electronic, social media sites, radio, and TV advertising
Podium Mention: your sponsorship announced during the event
Printed Program Mention: your sponsorship printed on event program materials.
Silver Sponsorship Level
5 Event Tickets
Quarter Page Advertisement in Gala Souvenir Booklet
Logo on Electronic Flyer Advertisement
Logo on Photo Backdrop
Podium Mention: your sponsorship announced during the event
Printed Program Mention: your sponsorship printed on event program materials.